Other Analytics Services

There are endless analytics tools to enhance your marketing stack. Some of my favorite are HotJar, CallRail, Drift, and that's just scratching the surface. These tools exists to shed light on the user journey and give you additional insights that were not possible in traditional marketing. Track calls down to the keyword, or record a converters visit to your website. Opportunities are endless.

Why not just use GA?

Google Analytics is a great tool but it's not all there is. It's also kind of ugly (sorry Google) and does not track many data points out of the box. While it's a great tool and quite essential to your marketing stack, it's not the only tool that will help you. I always suggest a few different tools to round out your analytics stack; A visual heatmap tool and visit recording tool, a call tracking tool, a keyword research tool, a crm which can be integrated with your marketing analytics tool and a backend database where all of your data is being stored, and then maybe a more robust visualization tool, if you are outgrowing GDS. Yeah, there's a lot to think about. But that's why you're here. Let's discuss what may be the best setup for you. Some options include:


Get a visual map of where users are clicking on your site

Call Tracking

Track where calls on your website are coming from.

Keyword Data

Better understand what keywords are driving users to your site

Training & Consultation

Learn the tools that will help you be more informed with your marketing

Get the most out of your Stack

Most of these tools are fremium models and it's important to understand what comes with the basic version of the software, vs what you will get by paying. A few are worth the spend to upgrade. Determine where to start with a free consultation. Let's talk!

  • +Does having more platforms slow down my site?
    Sometimes. Every pixel you add to your website slows it down just a little bit and some are more resource heavy than others. It’s important to way the cost benefit of adding a new platform that may slow down the site a bit and discuss ways to optimize both.
  • +Do I have to use more analytics platforms besides GA?
    No. You can just use GA if you want. These additional platforms provide additional value but you could be fine just using GA. It depends on your unique situation and it would be worth a discussion to determine which platforms may make the most sense. I
  • +What is Call Tracking?
    Call tracking allows you to track calls back to the original marketing source. Say someone clicks an ad that you put on facebook and then comes to your site. Call tracking allows you to know that that call came from that particular facebook ad. It’s very important if you are a B2B business.
  • +How much does a analytics stack cost?
    It’s highly dependent on your needs. It could be anywhere from $100 a month to $30000 a month. The best place to start is a conversation to determine what would bring the most value. I have many connections with software companies that could help you get extended free trials of certain software. Let’s figure out what makes the most sense for you.